

Vollständige Sammlung von Shiv Leela Amrut

Shivleelamrut श्री शिवलीलामृत is a free Android app in the Education & Reference category. Developed by Sahitya Adhyay, this app offers a complete collection of Shiv Leela Amrut, a devotional poem composed by the Marathi poet-saint Shridhar Swami Nazarekar in 1718 AD.

The app provides guidance on how to do parayan (recitation) of Shiv Leela Amrut. The poem consists of 14 chapters (adhyaya) and 2453 couplets (ovis in Marathi). It is primarily based on the BrahmottarKhanda from the Skanda Purana, with some parts from the Linga Purana and Shiva Purana.

With Shivleelamrut, users can enhance their spiritual journey by reciting and understanding the divine teachings of Lord Shiva. The app encourages readers to perform the parayan by visiting a Shiva temple on any Monday evening and reciting the poem while offering prayers. It also suggests maintaining cleanliness and lighting a lamp during the recitation. Once the recitation is completed, users are advised to chant the mantra "Om Namah Shivay" 108 times every Sunday.

Note: Image by Alice Popkorn used under CC BY-SA 2.0

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